

One of the goals of College Signatures is to integrate the veteran and collegiate communities.  Through research it is found that many students and veterans lack the understanding and guidance to succeed.  This is not to say that they cannot accomplish their goals in life.  We just have to look at how to integrate two separate and distinct mindsets.

Veterans are developed to follow strict guidance while thinking outside of the box to accomplish their set goals.  This mentality is great for getting the job done.  It is however, detramental when they leave that lifestyle. This is because the structure that allowed the service member to operate so successfully is now missing.  The resources that the commands, brrigades, wings, and ships had disappear over night. Veterans are use to knowing who and where to talk to get information and  documents that outline the different sources of information, rules to operate with, and things can do.  This is in stark contrast to the collegiate thought where they are told their academic advisor has the information. Yet many veterans are unintentionally left out of different things that many in academia believe is common sense. 

Students are as different as the night is to the day from a veteran. Your typical college student enrolls directly after high school.  Because of this most students are still in the mindset and have closer relationships within the academic departments than the veteran does.Also the age difference between the student and professor allows for the mentor and protegee role to continue to develop.  This role gives more guidance on scholarships, teaching assistant positions, and honor societies to the general student yet hinders the veteran.  Yet at the same time the student does not have any real world experience to draw upon for their class assignments. 

This is where the discussion of what is more beneficial a student who has no real-world experience or a veteran returning to school after 4 or more years in military service.  The disconnects show that there are elements that a student needs versus a veteran.

The two resource pages student resources and veteran resources that CS provides helps address some of the general issues that is unique to both of these groups.